Monday 17 October 2016

Lesson 15: Task 1

Where do i live?

          Western society has presented those with unfavorable living conditions a place to have a new start to a life and to raise their kids in a place where they do not need to think about all the problems that one may face living in a third world country. Whether these problems include war, economy, racism, politics, religion or many other problems, Countries like Canada offer a place of refuge and a place to lay the foundation of living for the children of foreigners while at the same time making sure that there is an abundance of opportunity to thrive in the society that is there for them. In my city, this idea is made sure to be known to all who wish to come. The cities population varies in all ways, and continues to be diverse while also giving opportunity for all who live in the city to lead successful lives.
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Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world
          Our city does not discriminate against anyone. Just by looking at the city demographics, its clear that the city is willing to accept all newcomers who wish to lead a new life. With a population of around six million people living in the greater Toronto area, there are people of all religions, ethnicity and nationalities. All religions can be found in Toronto, whether it is Muslims, Christians,  Jews, Hindus among many others. Also, people who were living all across the world can be found in Toronto. Toronto features over 200 ethnic groups with over 140 languages spoken in the city by the vast majority of the population.
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Just a small visual demonstration of the diversity available in Toronto
          Another thing that the city of Toronto prides its self on is how long it has been the most diverse city in the world. Since 1981, Toronto has seen a major increase in its diversity. In 1996, over half of Toronto's population were born outside Canada. Over time, the amount of diversity in Toronto became more and more clear and just in 2016, BBC announced that the results of a study confirmed that Toronto is indeed the most diverse city in the world.
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North York is one of the many diverse areas that are part of Toronto

          Diversity can create many positive opportunities for many people. This includes the city, the economy, the people themselves and many others. When there are many people of different ethnicities living in the city, it will attract more people from those ethnicities to come and live in the city. More people means more jobs and more money moving through the city as a result. Of course this will benefit both the city and the worker in earning money.
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There are no lack of jobs for someone who wishes to work in Toronto

          Toronto is clearly the most diverse city in the world. Diversity of Toronto allowed many generations of people to live new lives and allowed them to escape the troubles of their respective lives. They have been able to live with opportunity while keeping their cultural identities at the same time.
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Beautiful city of Toronto

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