Tuesday 18 October 2016

Lesson 15: Task 3

I am not a terrorist and I hate terrorism
I’m an Arab Muslim but not all Arabs are Muslims
And Not all Muslims are Arabs, we come from all over the world
I don’t own a Camel and I don’t sleep in a tent
I don’t have to cross the desert to go home I Have a car
I don’t live in a sand dome Arab countries house some of the biggest buildings in the world
I am not a prince and I don’t own a golden washroom
I don’t always go out in a dishdasha but yeah i do sometimes
No my parents didn’t choose my wife when i was young I will choose who i would like to marry
I do have a TV and I do read what people say about me but I don’t mind as i know that people fear the unknown
All I wish for is that people will look at this and realize that we are people too and we share their fears and we share their joy

My name is Moustafa and I am a Muslim!

Lesson 15: Task 4

What do i believe in?

          The early years of children's education are arguably the most important years of their lives. These are the years when the habits and attitudes of students toward school are formed. These years will determine whether or not young students will enjoy school and thrive to succeed in school or find it a oppressive place where they are constantly ridiculed for doing the wrong thing instead of being taught by the teachers what the right thing to do is. In a way, it could be said that a persons success that they will have in their life depends on how they were educated in their early elementary school and middle school years. With all that being said, one of the things that can happen to a young student that could potentially ruin their chances of leading a successful life is suspension and because of this, should not be used as a punishment. In common days, suspension is used when a student commits an act not suitable for a school environment. A student will be sent home for a specific number of days, depending on the severity of the offence.  By doing this, students will not only miss lessons being taught by the teacher, as well as not being given a actual punishment, they will also not be given a reason to reflect on what wrong they have done in order to correct it in future times. 

          One of the more obvious negatives that a suspension provides is the time that a student misses in class. This has many negative repercussions for the student in the immediate future and in the long run. When a student misses multiple classes, they are not only miss valuable lessons being taught by the teacher, but also they are being isolated from the other students in class who have already learned the lessons that the suspended student has not. When there is a divide in any way between students, it opens up room for bullying, creating more isolation. At the end of all this, you will have a student who has missed lessons in class which will result to bad grades and a student who feels inferior to other students which leads to anxiety and many other mental disorders. When this happens, then instead of seeing school as a place to learn new things, the student will see school as a dark place where they are not on the same level as other students and would rather spend their time elsewhere rather then this place of learning.

          When suspensions are carried out, most of the time students are punished by being sent home for a specified number of days. To many students though, time at home alone as most parents are out at work during the school time, is something that they would welcome with open arms. Time off from school is not a punishment for students, especially for the students who have already experienced the isolation from other students that results from suspension. Since they will not see suspension as a punishment, they will have no incentive to avoid suspension. This will create a never ending circle of negativity as students would rather spend time away from school because of their negative relationship with school which was created by being suspended in the first place. When they see suspension, they do not see it as a punishment but rather, they see it as a escape from somewhere they would rather not be. Instead of disciplining the student, they are inadvertently encouraging their behavior.

          When a school wishes to discipline a student, they are hoping that a few things will happen as a result of the punishment that they will apply. They hope that the student will see the punishment as a lesson not to do whatever act they committed and as well they wish that they will reflect on what they have done and seen what they could have done better. With a suspension though, the student does not see it as a punishment as was mentioned earlier but rather they feel more encouraged to commit the acts they have done. Young students would already have a problem in reflecting on their past as the young student usually has a short attention span and unless taught otherwise, would not reflect on their past. A punishment which rewards the student will not teach a student the correct way to act but rather encourage the student to continue acting the way they have.

          Successful peoples lives are always defined by their upbringing. There is reward for positive behavior and punishment for negative behavior. These rewards and punishments are meant to be used as an incentive to either continue acting the way they are or as a way to display to the child their wrong doing. With suspensions, the wrong act that a student commits is not punished correctly as many students see it as a good thing. Also, there are many academic and behavioral problems that can be made by suspension while not encouraging the student to reflect on what they have done.

Monday 17 October 2016

Lesson 15: Task 1

Where do i live?

          Western society has presented those with unfavorable living conditions a place to have a new start to a life and to raise their kids in a place where they do not need to think about all the problems that one may face living in a third world country. Whether these problems include war, economy, racism, politics, religion or many other problems, Countries like Canada offer a place of refuge and a place to lay the foundation of living for the children of foreigners while at the same time making sure that there is an abundance of opportunity to thrive in the society that is there for them. In my city, this idea is made sure to be known to all who wish to come. The cities population varies in all ways, and continues to be diverse while also giving opportunity for all who live in the city to lead successful lives.
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Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world
          Our city does not discriminate against anyone. Just by looking at the city demographics, its clear that the city is willing to accept all newcomers who wish to lead a new life. With a population of around six million people living in the greater Toronto area, there are people of all religions, ethnicity and nationalities. All religions can be found in Toronto, whether it is Muslims, Christians,  Jews, Hindus among many others. Also, people who were living all across the world can be found in Toronto. Toronto features over 200 ethnic groups with over 140 languages spoken in the city by the vast majority of the population.
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Just a small visual demonstration of the diversity available in Toronto
          Another thing that the city of Toronto prides its self on is how long it has been the most diverse city in the world. Since 1981, Toronto has seen a major increase in its diversity. In 1996, over half of Toronto's population were born outside Canada. Over time, the amount of diversity in Toronto became more and more clear and just in 2016, BBC announced that the results of a study confirmed that Toronto is indeed the most diverse city in the world.
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North York is one of the many diverse areas that are part of Toronto

          Diversity can create many positive opportunities for many people. This includes the city, the economy, the people themselves and many others. When there are many people of different ethnicities living in the city, it will attract more people from those ethnicities to come and live in the city. More people means more jobs and more money moving through the city as a result. Of course this will benefit both the city and the worker in earning money.
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There are no lack of jobs for someone who wishes to work in Toronto

          Toronto is clearly the most diverse city in the world. Diversity of Toronto allowed many generations of people to live new lives and allowed them to escape the troubles of their respective lives. They have been able to live with opportunity while keeping their cultural identities at the same time.
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Beautiful city of Toronto

Lesson 15 task 2

          In the lives of people living in the west, almost all of that which influences us originates from places all over the world. Canada is a country which is very accepting of all cultures, ideologies, faiths among other ideas which define our identities. It is very much a cultural mosaic. When this type of acceptance is allowed then naturally there will be many different people living their lives in the way they have been raised to leading to a possible influence on others. Some of the ways we could be influenced is by the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the design and areas of our places of living, in how we spend our free time and in what ways we are entertained. There is no shortage of people with different identities and they all come with their own view of the world. In my life, I have been raised in a middle eastern household which allowed me to see the variety of influences my culture has.
          Food is one of the largest components of a humans day to day life. Eating food is something that all people do every day of their lives. Naturally, there are different ways that people enjoy their food according to where they live. Whether its the food they eat or the way they eat their food. In my life, I eat a large variety of foods from different cultures, be it arab food, western food among others.

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Kabob is a famous food eaten by all people and originated with Arabs
          A major way we identify ourselves is the clothes we wear. All different cultures have certain clothes that carry many meanings when one wears them. It could mean a position of power, or mean a man of knowledge or a student just to name a few. The great thing about western society is that there is no specific clothing that is related to the culture. This is due to the fact that there are so many different amalgamations of people who have specific clothing they wear. Whether its a middle eastern, a European, a south american or many other cultures, the clothing that is worn will always be shown in a Canadian society.

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The most common clothing seen worn by arabs is a white one piece garment called a dishdasha 

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A man of knowledge will wear a white or black turban as tradition of men who have studied
          All over the world the people who design the areas that are lived in always keep in mind of the peoples culture who are living. They would more likely prefer a living area where they feel comfortable and make the place of living similar to their comforts. In arab culture, its expected that houses and buildings look a certain way and contain certain features unique to arab culture.

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This tower and dome are two of the most common sights to see in Arab countries, located on almost all mosques (known as the minarat and qubah)

          In their free time, people love to occupy themselves with anything. This has become the case so much so that the way we spend our leisure time has become embedded in our cultures. Smoking in particular has become a way that arabs like to spend their free time and shisha is what they use.
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Shisha has become so famous that there arent very many places in industrialized areas that dont have a place to have a smoke
          The way humans entertain themselves has been something we have thought of since the beginning of human existence. Whether it was in the Colosseum pitting men against animals or other humans in a fight to the death or more recently the advent of sports, there is always something to entertain us. 

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Although it originated in England, soccer is one of the most popular pastimes in all the middle east
          In life, everyone has their own culture and identify themselves based off that specific culture. When we live in such a diverse society, there will naturally be influences from all directions as people from all over the world live in Canada. People growing up in such a society can be very helpful in acceptance of all people.